The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit
The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Nasoore Ole Sapit hails from Narok County and is married to Mama Esther Sapit. He was baptized in 1977. He attended his primary and secondary School in Narok County. In 1985, he was confirmed and served as an evangelist and community worker in his home county.
He joined the Berea Theological College, Nakuru in 1989 to pursue a diploma in Theology. In 1991 he was ordained as Deacon in 1991 and priested in 1992. He worked as Vicar at the ACK Belgut Parish in the Diocese of Nakuru from 1992 to 1994. In 1994, he joined the St. Paul’s University for a degree in Divinity. He also got a Certificate of Research/Consultancy from Daystar University in 1999.
From 1997 to 2002, he worked as the Vicar and project manager at the Trans Mara Rural Development Program in Kilgoris Parish, in the Diocese of Kericho. He went to the University of Reading, England and pursued a Master’s Degree in Social Development and Sustainable Livelihoods in 2003. He was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Global University for lifelong Learning in California.
He served as the Diocesan Mission and Development Coordinator at the ACK Diocese of Nakuru before being consecrated as suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Kericho. He was later on consecrated as the Diocesan Bishop of The Diocese in 2008. He was elected as the Archbishop on the 20th of May 2016 and thereafter consecrated on the 3rd of July 2016. The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit is committed to building the church and ensuring holistic growth among around the growth. He launched his strategic Plan 2018-2027 that he intends to use to drive the Church’s agenda is social transformation in the country.